Spiegare Pty Ltd, in conjunction with Crop Protection Australia, was delighted to partner with the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) in the release of our report Feral Futures: Overview of Technology Opportunities for Vertebrate Pest Management.
The overview is framed around the CISS four innovation platforms and how they can be efficiently utilised to better manage vertebrate pests. The four innovation platforms reviewed in this report include Surveillance technologies and systems, Biocontrol technologies and systems, Integrated landscape management, and Community engagement.
This study reflects on current research activities in each of these platforms and comments on their effectiveness and efficiency in reducing impacts of vertebrate pests to agriculture and the environment. We believe the timing of this report is important, with the systemic challenges presented by vertebrate pests and the current acute challenges being faced in some regions. It is also timely in the context of new technologies, social challenges and fresh initiatives to more effectively deliver biosecurity outcomes with agriculture, environment and social needs being addressed.
Keywords: invasive species, Australian Biosecurity, technology, vertebrate pests